The BETT 2002 seminar programme will provide teachers with a rich variety of informative, practical and inspirational speakers and subject matters. Covering every subject area, every level of education and tackling many of the burning educational ICT issues of the day, the seminars make an ideal contribution to a teacher's INSET programme. For lists and details of seminars - see below.

Each day begins with a keynote address, presented by leading and visionary members of the education community, including Professor David Reynolds, Professor Ted Wragg, Peter Housdon, and Professor Stephen Heppell.

BETT 2002 is also delighted to welcome Estelle Morris., Secretary of State at the DfES, who will officially open the show at 10.30am on Wednesday 9th January. Demand for free seats at this opening address will be high so please turn up in good time.

Seats at all seminars can be pre-booked in advance at a small charge, and any available seats are available free of charge on the day.

Browse through the seminar selections below by clicking on the relevant day and make a note of the relevant code (A1, B2, C3 etc) of any seminars that are of interest. To qualify for a 50% early bird discount, book your seminar(s) before 30th Nov. There is also a further discount for online seminar bookings. To pre-book a seminar(s) on-line, click here
Wednesday  9  January  2002

Room A

A1 10:30AM
Official Opening
Estelle Morris, Secretary of State for Education and Skills

A2 12:30PM
P, S, FE, HE, I
THE BESA KEYNOTE LECTURE - The Future of ICT in Education (KS: All stages & FE)
Professor David Reynolds
Has the huge investment in ICT resulted in a revolution in teaching and learning and the raising of standards? David Reynolds will consider what international research is telling us about effective use of ICT and how the ICT community needs to move forward.

A3 2:00PM
P, S
The End of the Beginning: what next for NGfL?(KS: 1-4)
Doug Brown, DfES
The National Grid for Learning was launched by the Prime Minister in 1998 and set out a four-year programme. Now, in 2002, this session will reflect on the considerable achievements made by schools and consider “What next for NGfL?”

A4 3:30PM
P, S
What have we learned about good ICT training for school (KS: 1-4)
Ralph Tabberer, TTA
Ralph Tabberer will lead a session to examine the lessons to be learned for the future from the NOF ICT training programme. With participation from TTA, a training provider and a school which has undergone NOF ICT training, the session will focus on 'What works?' and 'What next?'

Room B

B1 2:00PM
The State of ILT in FE
Bob Powell, Head of Further Education, Becta
This seminar will summarise the findings of recent Becta surveys on the latest changes in FE college infrastructure, and report on college ILT strategic planning. Delegates will also hear about the latest developments on the Ferl site, including new focus areas on 16-19 and on work-based training.

B2 3:00PM
P, S,E, M, SC, ML, H, G, 16+, RE
Evidence in Practice – What research means for the school
Niel McLean, Director of Evidence & Practice AND Peter Avis, Head of Chief Executive's Policy Unit

What does recent research tell us of significance about developing ICT in schools? This seminar will present new evidence from two very recent large research projects looking at ICT and standards in schools. The first study has followed 2000 students in 60 schools for three years; the second looked at Inspection data for five thousand schools inspected between 1998 and 2000.

B3 4:00PM
P, S, SN
ICT Procurement Advice for Senior Managers
Stephen Lucey, Director of NGfL Infrastructure, Becta
What do you really spend on ICT purchases and support each year? Stephen Lucey provides practical advice to help you understand the true cost of your ICT and highlights the factors which are essential to successful ICT purchasing decisions.

Room C

C1 11:00AM
SN, P, S
Dyslexia: electronic screening, assessment and follow up (KS: 2-4)
Anita Keates, BDA
This session is based on practical proven methods of working in schools. This includes assessing and screening of all the pupils and then implementing a policy to both teach and give access to the curriculum and examination structure.

C2 12:30PM
SN, P, S, E
Using ICT to support writing in literacy lessons and across the curriculum (KS: 1-3)
Victoria Crivelli, BDA
A look at some of the best software tools and programmes that help pupils with the writing process and enter text efficiently. Including the use of speech supported programmes such as onscreen wordbanks, planning and drafting tools, predictive lexicons, writing frames and talking word processors.

C3 2:00PM
Dyslexia: Catch 'em young (KS: EY & 1-2)
Judith Stansfield, BDA
Screening very young children to find their learning strengths and weaknesses helps the teacher to find learning strategies to counteract potential learning difficulties before they become problems. This seminar will suggest some ICT solutions that can help.

C4 3:30PM
Access all areas – assistive technology for teaching and learning (KS: Post 16/FE/HE)
E A Draffen, BDA
An insight into some assistive technologies available to support those studying at Further and Higher Education, with hints as to their appropriate use. Samples will be taken from the TechDis Accessibility Database, highlighting innovative practices and how teachers and learners can benefit from the various on-line links offered.

Room D

D1 11:00AM
Using ICT to enhance accessibility, inclusivity, and usability (KS: FE/Post Compulsory Education)
Alan Sutherland, NILTA
Introducing TechDis and the work of the JISC service, this session concentrates on how ILT can enhance access for those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, with particular focus on accessibility online learning materials. Anyone looking at the issues of accessibility should not miss this session.

D2 12:30PM
FE, Post Compulsory Education
How to implement a quality ILT programme (KS: FE/ Post Compulsory Education)
John Moulson, NILTA
John Moulson will share a realistic strategic vision for ILT and demonstrate why he took full responsibility for all IT resources, three libraries, Internet/Intranet development, On-line delivery, and lastly Reprographics. The area has received a Grade 1 and been recognised nationally for its innovation in the use of ILT.

D3 2:00PM
Demonstrating the power of ILT (KS: FE/Post Compulsory Education)
Sal Cooke/Lesley Blundell, NILTA
A demonstration by use of on-line and video, of some real life examples of excellence in ILT in the classroom: also featuring the latest aspects of on-line assessment with Awarding Body OCR

D4 3:30PM
Innovation in Educational Broadcasting (KS: FE/Post Compulsory Education)
Brian Clarke, NILTA
The introduction of digital television has enabled open and distance learning to come of age through its 'interactive' nature. In contrast to traditional educational broadcasting, programmes can now be supplemented by additional services that can support the learning process and enhance the quality of the learning experience.

Room E

E1 11:00AM
Innovation and ICT (KS: Post 16 and Lifelong Learning)
Markos Tiris, LSDA
Innovation is the key in this aspect of the National Learning Network initiative. After the success of the QUILT programme, the FEFC made £500,000 available for college projects exploring innovative uses of ILT/ICT (Information and Communications Technology). This session explores some of the outcomes and what has been learned.

E2 12:30PM
What is M-learning? (KS: Post 16 and Lifelong Learning)
Jill Attewell, LSDA
The Internet continues to migrate to a variety of mobile platforms. Most of us are familiar with e-learning, this session will explore m-learning – a theory that soon most people will have a personal device to access information about lifelong learning. What will be the impact on teaching and learning?

E3 2:00PM
Evaluating the impact of ICT on teaching and learning (KS: Post 16 Lifelong Learning)
Kevin Donovan, LSDA
As part of the evaluation of Further Education's National Learning Network (NLN) staff and students in over 40 colleges are being tracked. The session will describe how the colleges are using a standard set of evaluation tools to throw light on what impact technology is having on teaching and learning.

E4 3:30PM
The Welsh Learning Network – Creating ILT Champions in Wales (KS: Post 16 Lifelong Learning)
Dr Geoff Foot, LSDA
The FE sector in Wales has had Internet connectivity since 1996, enabling them to develop ILT material under the QUILT Wales initiative. Now the WLN (Welsh Learning Network) provides an opportunity to develop new and exciting teaching and delivery mechanisms. This session examines the programme to create ILT champions in Wales.

© EMAP Education 2001